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Arnaud Leclercq - Conference - Financial Sector Conference (FSC) 2023

Financial Sector Conference (FSC) 2023

Financial Sector Conference (FSC) 2023 is THE second to none major event of its kind in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Financial Sector Conference (FSC), Saudi Arabia
Arnaud Leclercq - لومبارد أودييه": الجيل الجديد يتجه نحو الأصول المستدا"

لومبارد أودييه": الجيل الجديد يتجه نحو الأصول المستدا"

Lombard Odier: The new generation is moving towards sustainable assets.
Interview with Arnaud Leclerc, Partner and Head of New Markets at Lombard Audier Bank in the Morning program with Saba. An economic programme for entrepreneurs in the region aimed at preparing the period before the opening of stock markets.

Al-Sharq Bloomberg Business, UAE (الشرق)
Arnaud Leclercq - أرنو لوكليرك : الوضع في الخليج مزدهر في الوقت الحاضر ولدينا نظرة إيجابية

أرنو لوكليرك : الوضع في الخليج مزدهر في الوقت الحاضر ولدينا نظرة إيجابية

Arnaud Leclercq: The situation in the Gulf is booming nowadays and we have a positive outlook
Interview with Arnaud Leclerc, Limited Partner and Head of New Markets at Lombard Odier in the Morning program with Saba.
There is a difference between 87% of family businesses that you think are ready to pass on wealth to the next generation and 24% that you have already moved. The situation in the Gulf is booming at present and we have a positive view of this situation. Young generations in family businesses are open to new technologies...

Al-Sharq Bloomberg Business, UAE (الشرق)
Арно Леклерк (Arnaud Leclercq) - Россия: Европа или Евразия

Россия: Европа или Евразия

На предстоящем саммите «Большой семерки», который откроется 7 мая в немецком городе Эльмау, США намерены убедить своих европейских коллег в необход

Вестник Кавказа, Россия
АРНО ЛЕКЛЕРК (Arnaud Leclercq) - Россия: день сегодняшний через призму истории

Россия: день сегодняшний через призму истории

Пресс-конференция автора книги “Русское влияние в Евразии”, французского финансиста Арно Леклерка, который попытался разобраться в сути российской

Россия сегодня, Россия
Arnaud Leclercq - Baisse de prix du pétrole: quelles conséquences pour la Russie ? (

Baisse de prix du pétrole: quelles conséquences pour la Russie?

La baisse du prix du pétrole pose pour la Russie tout d’abord un problème de budget: l’équilibre budgétaire de la Russie se situe...

Arnaud Leclercq - Crise Ukrainienne: quelles origines ? (

Crise Ukrainienne: quelles origines?

Il ne s’agit de revenir sur les motivations de la crise qui frappe l’Ukraine. Nous pouvons toutefois effectuer un certain nombre de constats.

Arnaud Leclercq - La Russie est-elle devenue eurasiatique, ou asiatique ? (

La Russie est-elle devenue eurasiatique, ou asiatique?

Géopolitique de la Russie: La Russie est-elle devenue eurasiatique, ou asiatique? Ou s’agit-il d’un tropisme propre à Vladimir Poutine?

Arnaud Leclercq - Intervention à la Télévision Suisse Romande, émission Géopolitis, sur Vladimir Poutine: quelles ambitions pour sa Russie ?

Vladimir Poutine: quelles ambitions pour sa Russie

Arnaud Leclercq a été invité sur le plateau de l'émission Geopolitis de la Radio Télévision Suisse, le 20 septembre 2014, pour répondre à la question...

RTS, Geopolitis, Suisse
Arnaud Leclercq - Crimea and punishment on RT TV

Crimea and punishment (Russia today)

Interview TV broadcast on March 9, 2014 in the weekly economic magazine (see between 02'00 and 07'00).



All the information presented on these pages is open public access, especially on the Internet, and can therefore be read easily and independently of this site. They were only brought together to give coherence to a personal journey. This dedicated site contains only public information and has not been the subject of a prior agreement of past or current employers, who cannot be held responsible for any personal opinions expressed by Arnaud Leclercq.

Qui est Arnaud Leclercq?

Arnaud Leclercq

Arnaud Leclercq is a banker with an atypical background, a PhD in geopolitics and a professor at HEC in Paris. An MBA from HEC and a graduate of Harvard, he is a recognized executive in the world of wealth management, particularly with emerging markets. His book «La Russie puissance d’Eurasie. Histoire géopolitique des origines à Poutine», published in France (2013) and Russia (2015), is now a reference. His analyses are regularly shared by the media.